

I always ask people for feedback when therapy is complete to help me monitor what I am doing right and what I could do better.
Here are some testimonials from people who have been willing for their comments to be published.

“Overall satisfaction of CBT with Lesley ..9/10

CBT with Lesley was a very positive experience. I had ended sessions with a different therapist and was apprehensive following that experience, but Lesley put me at ease and listened to me so that she could ensure this was different. Some of the sessions were challenging, but Lesley was always open to hearing my honest thoughts and then supporting me with them. I left each session feeling listened to and supported with strategies to practise and apply to my everyday life. By the end of my 20 sessions, I was able to look back and see that significant progress had been made. I am very grateful to Lesley for making this a wholly different experience to the one I had before and for also ensuring that when it came to the sessions ending, that I felt supported and ready."

C.G August 2024

‘I have learnt so much from Lesley. She is a great teacher, listener and adviser. I knew very little about CBT when we started and we began our journey addressing sleep problems which were evidently a symptom of the wider issues. Lesley guided me through the sleep problems and along with HRT we made great improvements in a short time. We then progressed through a journey of understanding for me of what was driving my behaviours and reactions. I feel Lesley taught many options of ways of thinking and it was easy to pick the one that resonated the most for me. CBT with Lesley has given me a new way of thinking about myself in relation to other people and my surroundings, it’s given me more self-confidence, self-compassion and many tools to ensure the best outcomes for me. The exercises and experiments we did have really cemented these practices in my mind and the relapse prevention has given me an easy resource to reference. Thank you Lesley, I’m very grateful for your help, patience and kindness’

DJ August 2022

‘I came to Lesley when I needed someone who could give me the tools to better navigate my anxiety. At the time, this was totally all-consuming but Lesley’s calm and logical approach has helped me see a way through. Our sessions were predominately over Zoom but due to our proximity, we also managed a few in-person sessions at my house which were incredibly useful. Lesley is a fantastic therapist who I would highly recommend in a heartbeat.’

SK March 22

‘From the first session Lesley was easy to talk to, highly knowledgeable and very organised. I was able to openly discuss the issues I’d been having and felt fully supported in doing so. As the weeks went on, the work we did began to have a profound effect on my daily mood, as well as the way I viewed the world and myself. It has genuinely changed my life and I couldn’t recommend her highly enough to anyone considering CBT as an option. Even now the sessions have ended, the information and help she has given me over the last few months has equipped me for the future, which I now feel confident and excited for’ 

Comment from Lesley – ‘Thank you L. Working with you was so rewarding. Your recovery was down to you fully engaging with CBT - Being curious about the concepts and how they applied to you, doing homework, writing things down and being willing to follow through with behavioural experiments to test out and practise what you learnt. Thank you.’

LS November 2021

"From a dark place we built a path to the light that I now feel I can navigate solo. We found issues and then methods to understand and resolve. The journey is not over but you gave me a map and compass, I have my own boots and carry my own burden for the route. We know there will be hills but I have a path to follow. Thank you so much Lesley"

N.W Paramedic (messed up, now patched up) June 2021

"Lesley was very friendly and made me feel comfortable talking to her about a range of issues. She guided me through processes to understand my way of thinking and at the end of each session provided me with any supporting documents for me to continue my CBT in between sessions which I know I can go back to throughout life. I would recommend Lesley for CBT sessions, and I would have loved it if we could have had proper face to face sessions if it wasn’t for Covid."

Anonymous (by request) November 2020

"I decided to start CBT with Lesley when I was suffering badly with health anxiety which was exacerbated by the Covid19 pandemic. We did all of our sessions via Zoom which I found helped with flexibility as I have a young child and meant that I didn't have to worry about travelling to and from the sessions. Being able to do the sessions from the comfort of my house put me at ease and I felt really helped with being able to get the most I could from the course. I would highly recommend Lesley to anyone who felt they needed CBT - I feel so much better having completed my course with her.

Many thanks again for all your help!"

Anonymous (by request) October 2020

"Lesley put me at ease very quickly and I found her a calming and supportive therapist.  I wasn’t sure what to expect from CBT but I found the focus on upskilling myself to tackle my challenges and reviewing my personal values really positive exercises.  I now feel far more in tune with myself and what I want out of life.

The online sessions through Zoom were also great – I could fit them in easily around my other commitments and I connected with Lesley even though we never actually met face to face."


C.L. July 2020

"I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Lesley. Her calm and thoughtful approach immediately made me feel at ease and she took the time to really understand the issues concerning me and then articulated a clear, personalised, plan of how we could approach these issues in our sessions. Her experience and knowledge allowed for flexibility in methods, where required, and I felt consistently reassured throughout the course that I was supported and understood. I completed the course of therapy feeling I’d taken huge steps to understanding my issues, what caused them and how to deal with them myself now and should they arise in the future. Thank you Lesley!"

G.L. May 2020

"Lesley was a fantastic therapist very quickly she laid out how CBT could help me and spent time understanding my anxiety and demonstrated how I could manage it using CBT techniques. Each week felt like an absolute revelation where I was able to discover tools to help me cope day to day but most importantly help me unravel the background to my thoughts and why I might be feeling a certain way. Lesley always made me feel comfortable and that I could open up and talk about to her about anything. Lesley is such a calming and empathetic individual, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her. I walked away after my final session ready to face my future with all the strategies and learning I had put in place with Lesley but not only that but I felt prepared if any relapse were to happen having completed some relapse prevention work with Lesley. Thank you so much for all your support Lesley."

L.V May 2020

"Having never had therapy before and being very anxious I was amazed how easy I found it to talk to Lesley. She helped me understand why I was feeling the way I was with anxiety, depression and menopausal symptoms and gave me coping strategies and simple techniques I could use very easily in my daily life to help. The sessions were very in depth without me feeling she was intrusive and she made me feel as though I could say anything to her without judgement. She has a very calming nature and I looked forward to each session I had with her. The results have been fantastic and I am aware of my triggers to look for if I relapse so I can quickly address my behaviours to ensure I don’t end up the way I was before.  I have copies of all my notes and ‘homework’ so I can refer back to them whenever I feel I want to or need to. Would definitely recommend Lesley to anyone in need of a friendly listening ear and coping tools"

K.J. Oct 2019

Lesley is fantastic – my CBT sessions were very effective and helped me to better understand and manage my anxiety. Lesley is very knowledgeable and supportive. Each session I was able to make great strides and I came away feeling like I had the tools to make improvements in handling my anxiety. I wholeheartedly recommend Lesley for anyone seeking CBT therapy.

S.M Sept 2019

I had no idea what CBT was prior to meeting Lesley. I was struggling with some general anxiety but health anxiety in particular. Lesley was warm and welcoming, she always made me feel at ease and allowed me to open up in a safe and none judgemental environment. After only a couple of sessions with Lesley, things started to click into place and I was able to understand and unravel my thought process using the CBT techniques that Lesley had shown me. Gaining an understanding on the background to my thoughts really helped me to combat my anxieties, this is something I do not feel I could have done alone. Seeking help was a big step for me and I am so pleased that I decided to choose Lesley as a therapist. I would not hesitate to recommend her to anybody who is struggling. Thank you for your help Lesley.

A.S July 2019

Just wanted to say a big thank you for all your help. The therapy has been a real life changer. I am still a ‘work in progress’ but the strategies you have taught me really help on a day to day basis. I am undoing 52 years of negative thoughts about myself so it’s never going to happen overnight but I am heading in the right direction and can see a more positive future ahead

T.B. May 2019